Sean McCarty, Instructional Designer and Consultant
Over the years…
…I’ve worked at a lot of different places on a lot of different projects. Whether it’s been training people how to sell telecom bundles or medical implants or even running continuity picture databases for television production units, it’s been an adventure. The variety has not only challenged me, but also entertained me quite a bit. I know a lot more about a lot of different industries than I ever dreamed. One of the many things that keeps me interested in my field is that I get to learn a lot myself.
Storyline (one of many tools)
Of course, if you are looking at my website, there’s a good chance you’re wondering “is this guy any good at Storyline?” Yes, I am comfortable saying my skills with Storyline are advanced/expert level. I’ve used it since Articulate started making it, taught a lot of people how to use it, and helped debug a lot of issues people couldn’t solve.
However, Storyline is just one tool in my tool kit. What excites me most is a new challenge, especially if it’s something people aren’t sure can be done. Maybe it’s stretching the limits of a piece of software like Storyline, or perhaps it’s something even more creative that blends multiple solutions to address a problem that no one has quite been able to figure out.
Let’s chat
If you would like to contact me, whether it’s about an opportunity or project, or a simple question, please fee free. LinkedIn and email contacts are at the top and bottom of the page.